Watching this girl grow before my very eyes is the craziest thing I have ever experienced. In the past three months her little wobble has turned into a confident walk, she has full on conversations with us even though we have no idea what she is saying, and seeing her enjoy Holden Beach the way our family has for so many year was absolutley everything. 

One morning, we decided to hop up early and capture Lindsey and Andy and baby Claire to document her 15 months of life. Now, if you came here for smiling faces pointing towards the camera, you came to the wrong blog. Being 15 months old means exploring, being tossed up in the air by your dad, and picking up every shell you can possibly find while waving to seagulls that fly overhead. So that is exactly what we did. It's the only way I enjoy capturing youngsters. You can't force them to be something they are not, and that is beautiful. Lindsey and Andy are also crushing it as parents, so we definitely need to give credit where it is deserved. All in all, Aunt Chelsea loves her little girl, and I am so happy to capture every growing moment I can.